Client Experiences
We've had the distinct privilege and honor of impacting thousands of lives!
Here's what some of our clients
said about working with us.
In Their Words...
Feeling Lighter
"I feel like I let go of 10,000 rocks from my Soul! Thank you!! - Katie
More Confident!
"You have helped me in amazing ways! I have followed your homework and continue to do so. It has helped me to have more confidence during the sales process with new prospects. Not only do I feel more confident, but I feel free of the weight from my past. I have actually been able to delegate." - Ty
“You and Pete are AWESOME! It's a joy to see two souls such as yourselves who found each other!
Thank you both for your loving time, efforts, precious energy, and gifts you're sharing with us!
Much love and respect for you both!” - Niki
Group Support & Enthusiasm!
“I was blown away by what the women in our group shared about seeing me as expanding!!!!!!!!!! It took me time to take it all in. I was most appreciative of their enthusiasm and kindness!” P.S.
"You've given me some great tools to work with to help me with my emotional melt down. I'm a very strong person, but even rocks can only take so much before they crack! You are an amazing person!" - Michelle
Life Changing!
"It was a pleasure meeting you as well, life changing! Thank you so much for such an amazing session.” - Denise
Gained Insight
"It is interesting once you have an understanding of your history how much more you can see looking back. I feel like I am somewhat at a road block thinking of the poverty and my mother and her mental health! It is interesting how you feel like you know the "story" and then you gain insight and things change!” - Rachel
So Happy! Am I Dreaming?
I finally have hope and this past weekend, I actually enjoyed everyone and haven’t felt this way for years. I am showing up without such rage. Wow! So crazy how healing such a big thing in my past has affected my present so much. I wondered if I was dreaming one day that I could be feeling so good and positive. You have such a gift and I am so grateful for you and feel so fortunate to have you by my side. Love you lots.” - Cara
"Thank you Christi!
You are an amazing teacher. I have always valued you and your gift and appreciate that you share it with me. You truly make the World a better place for all of us." - Jenn
Building Family Bonds
"We are forever grateful for the changes you are helping our family make. For the first time in a really long time, our family feels like a unit.” - C
Direction & Clarity
"I'm so incredibly grateful for that experience. I loved the way the day flowed - I was so nervous going into it, but you two made us feel so comfortable and capable. It meant a lot to me, and gave me much more direction than I expected going into it. I actually feel like I have more to figure out now, but in a very good way. You helped me see more of what is available to me and that is just everything.
Thank you Christi & Pete." - Josie
It was awesome getting to work with you and I thank you for all the thoughts and direction you offered.” - Bob
Gift of Insight
"I just want to say thanks for your gift of insight and helpful hints. So much of what you said really resonated with me.” -Al
New Thinking Patterns!
"I view myself and people as ships. If we get a hole and are in need of repair we can just shut that iron safety door and keep the problem in one compartment, and keep the ship from sinking. If too many compartments flood. If too many doors shut. We sink. Christi helped me open doors and helped me create new thinking patterns. I recommend Christi because I know she will do the same for all who come." - Jay
So Helpful!
"Christi I want to tell you that you were so helpful to me last night!!!!"
- Deb
Steps To Let Go
"You brought in an energy I felt deeply as a child and still do at times. However, I do see how this shaped me as an adult and I can use the steps you provided to drop the emotional baggage but leave the positive qualities in tact.”
- Christina
Surprising Insights
"Our session has been on my mind- all the time! I think you tune into the energy that most needs addressing; and what you tuned in to surprised me. I’m working on it!”
- Mary
“I cannot express how thrilling it is to be a part of this - to know you - and to get to know my soul!! But - I know you already feel that!!”
- El
Golden Nuggets Revealed
"Thank you again. You hit golden stuff!" - Maria
Emotional Awareness
"I know I could definitely use more sessions, but the short time I have spent with you has helped me tremendously. You helped me with my awareness of emotions. Your gift always warms my heart and I am honored to have met you."
- Nital
A New Approach
"Hi Christi and Pete,
I want to Thank You again for the great session last night. It gave us a renewed direction to approach our client. I also have been visioning success in so many ways and writing down plans." - Peg
"Thank you so much for having me in your class! It was very eye opening. Especially when you hit on how people do things for others and just don’t even think about it.”
- Katie
"As always another class that has me wondering how you do it...making connections that once revealed and are easier to see but ones that wouldn't be noticed if it wasn't for your willingness to listen and share. Thanks!" - Karen
Energizing & Exciting!
"That was amazing….only you could bring that forward for me in such a powerful, loving and safe way…THANK YOU! I was thinking that we have done a lot of work together over the years…a lot lol, and often times after doing such deep and intense work has left me feeling exhausted. But the last couple of weeks these sessions have left me feeling energized instead…that is very exciting!” - Wendy
Growth Beyond Imagining!
"I was recently reviewing some of my old journals, and I came upon the journals I kept during our time together in the 'Unearthing' and 'Thriving' classes back in 2011 and 2012. In those pages, I saw growth and learning as I followed the golden thread of my choices back to their source to reveal underlying patterns and decisions. I also saw something else: I saw how those raw nuggets of knowing have become integral to me, growing in depth and breadth and power over the years to form a healthier foundation, allowing more of me to emerge into the sunlight. I am more me than ever before, and the investment I chose to make in myself during these deep-dive classes has yielded a richness that is beyond any imagining." - Valerie
Tuned In!
"You guys are awesome and so tuned in!" - Marion