A Better YOU = A Better World!
Have fun learning, growing and advancing with humanitarians just like you!
Who are dedicated to their personal growth with our Look Within First™ approach.
Deepen awareness,
Stretch your brain,
Connect to your heart,
Expand your happiness,
Generate more positive energy,
Experience profound perception pivots,
Feel more fulfilled and energized by who you are,
Elevate your life, experiences and environments because you can!
Look Within First™
Because the answers are inside YOU!
What you feel inside is brimming with clues to unlock your personal keys to crystal clarity, ultimate happiness, true dream fulfillment!
That gnawing feeling inside, I have something valuable to share now...is accurate.
It's your Heart & Soul communicating, "Hey Self, it's here. You are it!"
If that makes your heart sing, YES! YES! This is where you belong!
With Propel Yourself Forward™ you'll learn:
how to become a better you
who experiences the profound influence of yourself,
your energy, your knowledge and your wisdom!
Infinite Possibilities &
Spectacular Opportunities Ahead!
Each month we'll deliver new and fresh content providing insight and clarity to help you grow, stretch your brain, expand your horizons, and other fun surprises!
Join us for a thrilling adventure that will inspire you, build momentum in your life and open your heart to receive better quality experiences!
Sometimes you have to...
Get Outta Your Own Way
Growth Opportunities reveal inner blindspots that block your clarity and your happiness.
HINT: When you feel stuck it's because you aren't identifying the actual problem.
If you were aware of the problem, you'd solve it.
So please be gentle with yourself!
What's Included?
Inner Growth with Variety!
Weekly Christi Clarity Chats (4 chats per month)
Each audio file includes:
Inspiration, motivation & perception pivots
Tools & tips to move forward and progress
Plus, you'll have access to searchable transcripts of each recording.
Highlight Sheets
Each Highlight Sheet includes:
Key take-aways for ease to apply and remember
Growing Library of Resources
Access The Christi Library:
Your library already has 2 BONUS Soul Chats with worksheets!
Each month you'll have more searchable material to help you grow!
Surprise bonuses included!
Q&A Sessions (1 per month)
Join us LIVE or Catch the Replay:
Each month you can join us LIVE via Zoom to ask questions, participate in discussion and anything else we discern will benefit our community!
PLUS, we'll periodically post video or audio feedback you can review at your convenience based on questions we receive and other requests our community sends in.
That's Over $1,200 Of Life Enhancing Value EVERY MONTH!
"You are amazing and so COOL! I loved your props, the material and felt enlightened and happy that I attended."
"The information set off so many bells and whistles for me! That gave me a whole new perspective!"
"I am feeling comfortable in my own skin. This is priceless, and amazing! I can see myself!"
"I am amazed at your unwavering kindness and expertise. I'm able to say ANYTHING and you remain calm and loving and totally focused on the task at hand. WOW. Thank you- truly!"
It's Your Turn! Seriously, It's Time For YOU!
This is your safe place to feel inspired by who you are!
Where you'll learn to see yourself through a clearer lens.
So you feel happier, lighter and more like yourself.
That's the key, you becoming more like you - instead of trying to fit a model of someone else!
Join The Propel Yourself Forward™ community where you'll
get clarity, grow, thrive and prosper as a better you!!